Sunday, March 20, 2022

Unit 1 Lesson 4 The Wish

Edgar Allan Poe, famous American Gothic short story writer and poet, published 'The Oval Portrait' in 1842. It's one of his shortest short stories, but it raises intriguing questions about art and the roles of those involved in its making and appreciation. It is also a frame narrative, or a story that contains another story. However, 'The Oval Portrait' is more literal than most. The story describes the style of the painting and its frame in considerable detail, and its title focuses more on the presentation of the portrait than on its subject.
In the outermost story, we meet the unnamed narrator, who is seriously injured and stranded at night for unknown reasons. His companion and servant, Pedro, breaks into an abandoned chateau, where the two men take shelter. Despite his self-proclaimed delirious state, the narrator stays awake while his valet sleeps. He is fascinated by the paintings on the bedroom wall and studies a book containing their history. Noticing a startlingly lifelike portrait of a young woman, he reads about it in the book. Here we encounter another story from the perspective of the art book's author.
The author tells how the beautiful, vivacious subject married a painter who was completely absorbed in his work. Although she hated this, she agreed to sit for a portrait, a process that took several weeks. As the portrait approached completion, the artist's bride grew increasingly weak and listless. In placing the final touches of his masterpiece on the canvas, he suddenly realized that she had died right in front of him. In bringing the painting to life, he brought about her death.

Understanding the text
Answer these questions.
a. Where did the narrator and his servant make a forcible entrance?
➜ The narrator and his servant Pedro made a forcible entrance in a desolate Chateau which was located in the Appennines of central Italy. The narrator was seriously wounded. His valet didn't want the narrator to stay in an open-air. He the narrator inside Chatuu forcibly without anyone's permission.
b. Which special picture did the narrator notice in the room?
➜ The narrator noticed an oval-shaped picture of a young girl in the room when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The narrator didn't notice it before. The young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood in that picture. The picture of that woman was so beautiful which attracted the narrator's attention. 
The oval picture of a young girl made him awake and too much curious. He kept on reading the history behind the portrait in his serious state. He was totally engrossed in finding its background through the book which he had found in bed.
c. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room.
➜The portrait that the narrator saw in the room was quite artistic and life-like. The narrator saw it when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The portrait was oval-shaped with a beautiful picture of a young girl on it. Its frame was richly decorative. The young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood. The narrator seemed completely startled to find the lady's shoulder and head with radiant hair so real. The brushwork of tints in portrait seemed so real in the portrait. 
The narrator felt a sudden impulse to notice that portrait. He closed his eyes once and opened. He couldn't believe his eyes to see such wonderful artistic creativity.
d. What is the relationship between the portrait painter and its subject?
➜The relationship between the portrait painter and its subject is husband and wife. The husband of the subject (lady) is a passionate painter who has painted his wife's portrait. He has Painted his wife's portrait taking many weeks.

Reference to the context 
a. What is the central theme of the story? Who is the woman depicted in the oval portrait?
➜The central theme of the short story 'The Oval Portrait' is the relationship between life and art. This Story has shown the destructive power of art and love. Art and love can lead anyone towards perfection whereas they can bring destructive results in our life too. The painter of this story has become successful through his artistic works but his wife has become the victim of his artistic tasks. She loves her husband extremely that's why she doesn't reveal her pains. The story has shown bad results of excessive passion for something. The woman depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of a passionate painter who has painted this oval portrait.
b. "The Oval Portrait" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving the disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau. Elaborate.
➜ This short story has presented a terrible and gloomy setting of a desolate Chateau in one of the mountains range (Appennines) of central Italy. The Chateau which we find here in this story is completely deserted and very old fashioned. The setting inside and outside seem very terrible. The apartments inside Chateau are so unmanaged and dirty. The apartment where the narrator and his valet stay have many things for decoration but all of them are in decaying state. The life-like portrait has been placed in one of the dark corners. The surrounding of the life-like portrait is so disturbing due to the unmanaged condition everywhere. The arrival of the visitors also has added distance in the environment. The portrait seems quite valueless in that desolate environment of the Chateau.
c. "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Discuss.
➜ "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Here, the wife of the painter is so beautiful who has just stepped into womanhood. The painter wants to paint her portrait. He is a quite passionate painter who loves his artwork more than anything. He places his wife on the chair to pose for him. He is totally obsessed with his artistic work. The Painter takes weeks to paint her portrait. During his task, he doesn't notice his wife health condition who becomes quite weak. By the time he finishes the portrait, he finds his wife lying dead on the chair.
d. Discuss the story as a frame narrative (a story within a story).
➜ The frame narrative is a literary technique that reveals about a story within a story. It starts with a different plot and setting of story but later immerses out with the next story within it. Here, this technique reveals us how a single story involves the next story within it. The story starts with different information about the narrator and his valet with a different setting. The readers here move along with the Story's flow at first but later on the next story starts within it with an amazing description of oval portrait, its detail and background information. The readers reach up to the next level of the story. The technique of frame narrative works showing a single story and the next story within it.
e. The story is told in a descriptive style, with plenty of imagery and symbolism. Which images and symbols do you find in the story?
➜ Here in this story, we find various images and symbols. The writer has used images to present his horror elements beautifully here in this story where there is immense use of darkness and light. The image of desolate Chateau in the Appennines has created beginning thriller for the audience. Similarly, the image of two visitors in the dark desolate setting has increased the reader's curiosity. Inside the Chateau, the writer has used many images to present the setting of apartments, torrent etc. Here, we find various images as dark rooms, wall tapestries, trophies, the oval painting among other paintings, candelabrum, book, rays of light etc. The historical background of the oval portrait also has presented the image of the painter and his wife in a high torrent of the Chateau. The perfect use of images has this story with gothic elements beautifully. Like images, the symbols also have played a vital role to understand this story in its deeper level. The oval portrait symbolizes mortality of love and immortality of art. This portrait has snatched the life of its main subject (painter's wife). Her love for her husband leads her to death whereas her husband passion for artwork has snatched her life and made him immortal in his artwork. Next symbol which we find here is the time during artwork. This time during artwork symbolizes the painter's obsession where he has forgotten everything around him and led his wife to the death.
f. What does the expression “She was dead!” mean?
➜ The expression was dead" means the shocking moment of the death of the painter's wife on the chair. The painter was quite obsessed with his painting. He was totally engrossed in his task of painting. He forgot to inspect his wife's condition. He kept on painting his wife's portrait for weeks. When he turned his painting towards his wife being happy, he found his wife dead posing on the chair. Here, the artwork took the life of its main subject.

Reference beyond the text 
a. Do you think there is life in art?
➜ I don't think there is life in art. Art is just a creation to display which has meanings related to different things. But, in a literal sense, artists create life in art. They try to find out life within the art.
b. As a thing of art nothing could be more admirable than the painting itself. Explain.
➜ This statement is absolutely right about painting. Painting is really a very admirable form of art. The painters really work hard to create quality paintings with meanings. The painting itself speaks in its literal manner. Painting provides us with facts related to life. Here in this story, the oval portrait is one of the finest examples which has startled the narrator. He feels completely puzzled to see that painting. He wants to know about its and painter.
c. A more intense look at the painting reveals the illusion. Have you noticed any such painting?
➜ Yes, I have noticed such painting. The painting becomes more meaningful when it is watched by the viewer who is passionate about paintings. But, for those viewers who don't have an idea about paintings find illusion all the time. In my case, I watched a typical painting for a long time but I didn't get meanings about it. I tried a lot to grasp its meaning but vain. Later on, I got its meaning from my friend.

Unit 1 Lesson 3 God Sees the Truth but Waits

Edgar Allan Poe, famous American Gothic short story writer and poet, published 'The Oval Portrait' in 1842. It's one of his shortest short stories, but it raises intriguing questions about art and the roles of those involved in its making and appreciation. It is also a frame narrative, or a story that contains another story. However, 'The Oval Portrait' is more literal than most. The story describes the style of the painting and its frame in considerable detail, and its title focuses more on the presentation of the portrait than on its subject.
In the outermost story, we meet the unnamed narrator, who is seriously injured and stranded at night for unknown reasons. His companion and servant, Pedro, breaks into an abandoned chateau, where the two men take shelter. Despite his self-proclaimed delirious state, the narrator stays awake while his valet sleeps. He is fascinated by the paintings on the bedroom wall and studies a book containing their history. Noticing a startlingly lifelike portrait of a young woman, he reads about it in the book. Here we encounter another story from the perspective of the art book's author.
The author tells how the beautiful, vivacious subject married a painter who was completely absorbed in his work. Although she hated this, she agreed to sit for a portrait, a process that took several weeks. As the portrait approached completion, the artist's bride grew increasingly weak and listless. In placing the final touches of his masterpiece on the canvas, he suddenly realized that she had died right in front of him. In bringing the painting to life, he brought about her death.

Understanding the text
Answer these questions.
a. Where did the narrator and his servant make a forcible entrance?
➜ The narrator and his servant Pedro made a forcible entrance in a desolate Chateau which was located in the Appennines of central Italy. The narrator was seriously wounded. His valet didn't want the narrator to stay in an open-air. He the narrator inside Chatuu forcibly without anyone's permission.
b. Which special picture did the narrator notice in the room?
➜ The narrator noticed an oval-shaped picture of a young girl in the room when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The narrator didn't notice it before. The young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood in that picture. The picture of that woman was so beautiful which attracted the narrator's attention. 
The oval picture of a young girl made him awake and too much curious. He kept on reading the history behind the portrait in his serious state. He was totally engrossed in finding its background through the book which he had found in bed.
c. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room.
➜The portrait that the narrator saw in the room was quite artistic and life-like. The narrator saw it when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The portrait was oval-shaped with a beautiful picture of a young girl on it. Its frame was richly decorative. The young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood. The narrator seemed completely startled to find the lady's shoulder and head with radiant hair so real. The brushwork of tints in portrait seemed so real in the portrait. 
The narrator felt a sudden impulse to notice that portrait. He closed his eyes once and opened. He couldn't believe his eyes to see such wonderful artistic creativity.
d. What is the relationship between the portrait painter and its subject?
➜The relationship between the portrait painter and its subject is husband and wife. The husband of the subject (lady) is a passionate painter who has painted his wife's portrait. He has Painted his wife's portrait taking many weeks.

Reference to the context 
a. What is the central theme of the story? Who is the woman depicted in the oval portrait?
➜The central theme of the short story 'The Oval Portrait' is the relationship between life and art. This Story has shown the destructive power of art and love. Art and love can lead anyone towards perfection whereas they can bring destructive results in our life too. The painter of this story has become successful through his artistic works but his wife has become the victim of his artistic tasks. She loves her husband extremely that's why she doesn't reveal her pains. The story has shown bad results of excessive passion for something. The woman depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of a passionate painter who has painted this oval portrait.
b. "The Oval Portrait" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving the disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau. Elaborate.
➜ This short story has presented a terrible and gloomy setting of a desolate Chateau in one of the mountains range (Appennines) of central Italy. The Chateau which we find here in this story is completely deserted and very old fashioned. The setting inside and outside seem very terrible. The apartments inside Chateau are so unmanaged and dirty. The apartment where the narrator and his valet stay have many things for decoration but all of them are in decaying state. The life-like portrait has been placed in one of the dark corners. The surrounding of the life-like portrait is so disturbing due to the unmanaged condition everywhere. The arrival of the visitors also has added distance in the environment. The portrait seems quite valueless in that desolate environment of the Chateau.
c. "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Discuss.
➜ "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Here, the wife of the painter is so beautiful who has just stepped into womanhood. The painter wants to paint her portrait. He is a quite passionate painter who loves his artwork more than anything. He places his wife on the chair to pose for him. He is totally obsessed with his artistic work. The Painter takes weeks to paint her portrait. During his task, he doesn't notice his wife health condition who becomes quite weak. By the time he finishes the portrait, he finds his wife lying dead on the chair.
d. Discuss the story as a frame narrative (a story within a story).
➜ The frame narrative is a literary technique that reveals about a story within a story. It starts with a different plot and setting of story but later immerses out with the next story within it. Here, this technique reveals us how a single story involves the next story within it. The story starts with different information about the narrator and his valet with a different setting. The readers here move along with the Story's flow at first but later on the next story starts within it with an amazing description of oval portrait, its detail and background information. The readers reach up to the next level of the story. The technique of frame narrative works showing a single story and the next story within it.
e. The story is told in a descriptive style, with plenty of imagery and symbolism. Which images and symbols do you find in the story?
➜ Here in this story, we find various images and symbols. The writer has used images to present his horror elements beautifully here in this story where there is immense use of darkness and light. The image of desolate Chateau in the Appennines has created beginning thriller for the audience. Similarly, the image of two visitors in the dark desolate setting has increased the reader's curiosity. Inside the Chateau, the writer has used many images to present the setting of apartments, torrent etc. Here, we find various images as dark rooms, wall tapestries, trophies, the oval painting among other paintings, candelabrum, book, rays of light etc. The historical background of the oval portrait also has presented the image of the painter and his wife in a high torrent of the Chateau. The perfect use of images has this story with gothic elements beautifully. Like images, the symbols also have played a vital role to understand this story in its deeper level. The oval portrait symbolizes mortality of love and immortality of art. This portrait has snatched the life of its main subject (painter's wife). Her love for her husband leads her to death whereas her husband passion for artwork has snatched her life and made him immortal in his artwork. Next symbol which we find here is the time during artwork. This time during artwork symbolizes the painter's obsession where he has forgotten everything around him and led his wife to the death.
f. What does the expression “She was dead!” mean?
➜ The expression was dead" means the shocking moment of the death of the painter's wife on the chair. The painter was quite obsessed with his painting. He was totally engrossed in his task of painting. He forgot to inspect his wife's condition. He kept on painting his wife's portrait for weeks. When he turned his painting towards his wife being happy, he found his wife dead posing on the chair. Here, the artwork took the life of its main subject.

Reference beyond the text 
a. Do you think there is life in art?
➜ I don't think there is life in art. Art is just a creation to display which has meanings related to different things. But, in a literal sense, artists create life in art. They try to find out life within the art.
b. As a thing of art nothing could be more admirable than the painting itself. Explain.
➜ This statement is absolutely right about painting. Painting is really a very admirable form of art. The painters really work hard to create quality paintings with meanings. The painting itself speaks in its literal manner. Painting provides us with facts related to life. Here in this story, the oval portrait is one of the finest examples which has startled the narrator. He feels completely puzzled to see that painting. He wants to know about its and painter.
c. A more intense look at the painting reveals the illusion. Have you noticed any such painting?
➜ Yes, I have noticed such painting. The painting becomes more meaningful when it is watched by the viewer who is passionate about paintings. But, for those viewers who don't have an idea about paintings find illusion all the time. In my case, I watched a typical painting for a long time but I didn't get meanings about it. I tried a lot to grasp its meaning but vain. Later on, I got its meaning from my friend.

Unit 1 Lesson 2 The Oval Portrait

Edgar Allan Poe, famous American Gothic short story writer and poet, published 'The Oval Portrait' in 1842. It's one of his shortest short stories, but it raises intriguing questions about art and the roles of those involved in its making and appreciation. It is also a frame narrative, or a story that contains another story. However, 'The Oval Portrait' is more literal than most. The story describes the style of the painting and its frame in considerable detail, and its title focuses more on the presentation of the portrait than on its subject.
In the outermost story, we meet the unnamed narrator, who is seriously injured and stranded at night for unknown reasons. His companion and servant, Pedro, breaks into an abandoned chateau, where the two men take shelter. Despite his self-proclaimed delirious state, the narrator stays awake while his valet sleeps. He is fascinated by the paintings on the bedroom wall and studies a book containing their history. Noticing a startlingly lifelike portrait of a young woman, he reads about it in the book. Here we encounter another story from the perspective of the art book's author.
The author tells how the beautiful, vivacious subject married a painter who was completely absorbed in his work. Although she hated this, she agreed to sit for a portrait, a process that took several weeks. As the portrait approached completion, the artist's bride grew increasingly weak and listless. In placing the final touches of his masterpiece on the canvas, he suddenly realized that she had died right in front of him. In bringing the painting to life, he brought about her death.

Understanding the text
Answer these questions.
a. Where did the narrator and his servant make a forcible entrance?
➜ The narrator and his servant Pedro made a forcible entrance in a desolate Chateau which was located in the Appennines of central Italy. The narrator was seriously wounded. His valet didn't want the narrator to stay in an open-air. He the narrator inside Chatuu forcibly without anyone's permission.
b. Which special picture did the narrator notice in the room?
➜ The narrator noticed an oval-shaped picture of a young girl in the room when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The narrator didn't notice it before. The young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood in that picture. The picture of that woman was so beautiful which attracted the narrator's attention. 
The oval picture of a young girl made him awake and too much curious. He kept on reading the history behind the portrait in his serious state. He was totally engrossed in finding its background through the book which he had found in bed.
c. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room.
➜The portrait that the narrator saw in the room was quite artistic and life-like. The narrator saw it when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The portrait was oval-shaped with a beautiful picture of a young girl on it. Its frame was richly decorative. The young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood. The narrator seemed completely startled to find the lady's shoulder and head with radiant hair so real. The brushwork of tints in portrait seemed so real in the portrait. 
The narrator felt a sudden impulse to notice that portrait. He closed his eyes once and opened. He couldn't believe his eyes to see such wonderful artistic creativity.
d. What is the relationship between the portrait painter and its subject?
➜The relationship between the portrait painter and its subject is husband and wife. The husband of the subject (lady) is a passionate painter who has painted his wife's portrait. He has Painted his wife's portrait taking many weeks.

Reference to the context 
a. What is the central theme of the story? Who is the woman depicted in the oval portrait?
➜The central theme of the short story 'The Oval Portrait' is the relationship between life and art. This Story has shown the destructive power of art and love. Art and love can lead anyone towards perfection whereas they can bring destructive results in our life too. The painter of this story has become successful through his artistic works but his wife has become the victim of his artistic tasks. She loves her husband extremely that's why she doesn't reveal her pains. The story has shown bad results of excessive passion for something. The woman depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of a passionate painter who has painted this oval portrait.
b. "The Oval Portrait" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving the disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau. Elaborate.
➜ This short story has presented a terrible and gloomy setting of a desolate Chateau in one of the mountains range (Appennines) of central Italy. The Chateau which we find here in this story is completely deserted and very old fashioned. The setting inside and outside seem very terrible. The apartments inside Chateau are so unmanaged and dirty. The apartment where the narrator and his valet stay have many things for decoration but all of them are in decaying state. The life-like portrait has been placed in one of the dark corners. The surrounding of the life-like portrait is so disturbing due to the unmanaged condition everywhere. The arrival of the visitors also has added distance in the environment. The portrait seems quite valueless in that desolate environment of the Chateau.
c. "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Discuss.
➜ "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Here, the wife of the painter is so beautiful who has just stepped into womanhood. The painter wants to paint her portrait. He is a quite passionate painter who loves his artwork more than anything. He places his wife on the chair to pose for him. He is totally obsessed with his artistic work. The Painter takes weeks to paint her portrait. During his task, he doesn't notice his wife health condition who becomes quite weak. By the time he finishes the portrait, he finds his wife lying dead on the chair.
d. Discuss the story as a frame narrative (a story within a story).
➜ The frame narrative is a literary technique that reveals about a story within a story. It starts with a different plot and setting of story but later immerses out with the next story within it. Here, this technique reveals us how a single story involves the next story within it. The story starts with different information about the narrator and his valet with a different setting. The readers here move along with the Story's flow at first but later on the next story starts within it with an amazing description of oval portrait, its detail and background information. The readers reach up to the next level of the story. The technique of frame narrative works showing a single story and the next story within it.
e. The story is told in a descriptive style, with plenty of imagery and symbolism. Which images and symbols do you find in the story?
➜ Here in this story, we find various images and symbols. The writer has used images to present his horror elements beautifully here in this story where there is immense use of darkness and light. The image of desolate Chateau in the Appennines has created beginning thriller for the audience. Similarly, the image of two visitors in the dark desolate setting has increased the reader's curiosity. Inside the Chateau, the writer has used many images to present the setting of apartments, torrent etc. Here, we find various images as dark rooms, wall tapestries, trophies, the oval painting among other paintings, candelabrum, book, rays of light etc. The historical background of the oval portrait also has presented the image of the painter and his wife in a high torrent of the Chateau. The perfect use of images has this story with gothic elements beautifully. Like images, the symbols also have played a vital role to understand this story in its deeper level. The oval portrait symbolizes mortality of love and immortality of art. This portrait has snatched the life of its main subject (painter's wife). Her love for her husband leads her to death whereas her husband passion for artwork has snatched her life and made him immortal in his artwork. Next symbol which we find here is the time during artwork. This time during artwork symbolizes the painter's obsession where he has forgotten everything around him and led his wife to the death.
f. What does the expression “She was dead!” mean?
➜ The expression was dead" means the shocking moment of the death of the painter's wife on the chair. The painter was quite obsessed with his painting. He was totally engrossed in his task of painting. He forgot to inspect his wife's condition. He kept on painting his wife's portrait for weeks. When he turned his painting towards his wife being happy, he found his wife dead posing on the chair. Here, the artwork took the life of its main subject.

Reference beyond the text 

a. Do you think there is life in art?
➜ I don't think there is life in art. Art is just a creation to display which has meanings related to different things. But, in a literal sense, artists create life in art. They try to find out life within the art.
b. As a thing of art nothing could be more admirable than the painting itself. Explain.
➜ This statement is absolutely right about painting. Painting is really a very admirable form of art. The painters really work hard to create quality paintings with meanings. The painting itself speaks in its literal manner. Painting provides us with facts related to life. Here in this story, the oval portrait is one of the finest examples which has startled the narrator. He feels completely puzzled to see that painting. He wants to know about its and painter.
c. A more intense look at the painting reveals the illusion. Have you noticed any such painting?
➜ Yes, I have noticed such painting. The painting becomes more meaningful when it is watched by the viewer who is passionate about paintings. But, for those viewers who don't have an idea about paintings find illusion all the time. In my case, I watched a typical painting for a long time but I didn't get meanings about it. I tried a lot to grasp its meaning but vain. Later on, I got its meaning from my friend.


Unit 1 Lesson 1 The Selfish Giant

The Selfish Giant English 
The story begins with the children playing in the Giant's garden every afternoon after arriving from school. The garden was beautiful, large, with soft grass and fruit trees. The trees bore rich fruit and the birds sang sweetly sitting on them.
One day after seven years, the giant returned. He was staying with his friend, the Cornish Ogre. The children were afraid to see him. He saw the children playing and said that he would not allow anyone to play here as it was his own garden. He built a wall around it and also put up a bulletin board. The bulletin board displayed a warning: "Intruders will be prosecuted."
The children were sad because they had no other place to play. They would wander the high garden walls and remember the beautiful garden within them.
Spring season arrived and there were flowers and little birds everywhere. But it was winter in the giant's garden and there were frost and snow. In the absence of children, the birds did not sing either. Once a flower sprouted from the grass, but after seeing the bulletin board, he also fell asleep again. Then came the north wind and the hail storm. Due to the giant's selfishness, the golden fruits of autumn also did not reach his garden.
Then one morning the giant detected sweet and wonderful music. It was a squirrel singing outside his window. The hail and north wind stopped and he could feel spring. He saw the children entering his garden through a small hole. The children were sitting on the tree branches and the trees were blooming. He also saw the birds fly and heard them chirp. The flowers had also risen.
But, to his surprise, winter was still in one corner. He saw that a boy was standing there and he could not reach the branches of the trees. The tree lowered its branches but still, it couldn't climb.
In this scene, his heart melted. He realized that he was actually very selfish. He decided to put that boy on the top of the tree, tear down the walls, and allow the children to play here forever. But when the children saw it, they fled and the garden was winter again. However, that child did not run while crying. The giant put it on the top of the tree and the tree immediately blossomed. He kissed the giant.
The other children came back to realize that the giant is not evil. Spring returned with them. The giant used to play with the children every afternoon, but that child was nowhere to be found. Over the years, it became very weak. One winter morning, he saw a beautiful tree with white flowers in the corner. The branches of the tree were golden and the boy stood underneath.
The boy was injured, which greatly enraged the giant. He told the boy that he would kill the man who had hurt him. The boy told him that these were the wounds of love. The boy smiled and asked the giant to come to his garden. Later, the children found the dead giant under the tree covered in white flowers.

Understanding the text
Answer the following questions. 
a. Where did the children use to play? 
➜ The children use to play in a beautiful garden of the giant during afternoon time after school.
b. What did the Snow and the Frost do qto the garden? 
➜ The snow and the Frost were the two agents who appeared in the giant's garden after the rude behaviour of the giant against the children. The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak and the Frost painted all the trees silver. They even invited the North Wind to stay with them.
c. What did the giant hear when he was lying awake in bed? 
➜ The giant heard some lovely music of a little singing bird linnet when he was lying awake in bed. He heard the music after a long time.
d. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant's garden? 
➜ I think the spring season even became sad along with the children. She became so angry and never came to the giant's garden to find the giant's rudeness and selfishness against the innocent children.
e. How did the giant realise his mistake? 
➜ The giant realised his mistake by experiencing unusual changes in his garden. He found out snow, frost, north wind, fog, etc. in his garden. He felt guilty himself for all those acts which he had done against the children. When the children reappeared in his garden, the garden once again bloomed with leaves and flowers. He even heard the chirping of birds in his garden. Thus, he realised his mistake.

Reference to the context 
A. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. 
a. “How happy we were there!” they said to each other. 
i. Where does ‘there’ refer to? 
➜ 'There' refers to the giant's garden where children used to play after school.
ii. What does ‘they’ refer to? 
➜ 'They' refers to the children who used to come and play in Giant's garden after school.
iii. Why are they saying so? 
➜ They are saying so because they aren't allowed to play in the giant's garden anymore. The giant has chased them out of his garden being furious.
b. “I have many beautiful flowers,” he said; “but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.” 
i. Who is the speaker?
➜ The speaker is an old and feeble giant who keeps on watching the children at their play sitting on his armchair.
ii. Who is he speaking to? 
➜ He is speaking to himself admiring his garden.
iii. Who are ‘the children’ that the speaker is referring to? 
➜ 'The Children' that the speaker is referring to are the small and innocent school children who enjoy a lot in the giant's garden.
iv. Why is the speaker saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’?
➜ The speaker is saying that 'the children are the most beautiful flowers of all' because he has experienced the presence of children in his garden. He has observed their simplicity and innocence. He believes that the children are the gift of beautiful nature and their presence has made the entire garden look so beautiful and bloom with different kinds of leaves and flowers. He makes the comparison here to value the children much because he knows the value of children in his garden than the flowers.
c. When the little child smiled at the Giant, and said to him, "You let me play once in your garden, today you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise," shortly afterwards, the happy giant dies. What is the coincidence of this event? Describe it in relation to this fairy tale.
➜ The next time, the little child reappears in one of the garden's corners. The giant is quite old and feeble at that time. The child appears this time to favour the giant who once had favoured him to play in his garden. The giant keeps on searching and waiting for the little child. He is in reality alive only to meet the enchanted little child. Finally, after the little child's words, he dies in the very afternoon.

B. The story makes use of personification as one of the main figures of speech. Cite three examples of personification from the story. What is the significance of the seasons personified in the story? 
➜ Here, the writer has perfectly used a figure of speech. The three examples of personification are the Snow, the Frost and the north wind. The significance of the seasons personified in the story is that they are related to nature and play a very vital role in transforming the giant's garden with a unique force against bad deeds.

C. This story can be read as a fairytale, where the children, the seasons, the tree, the corner of the garden, the snow, the wind and the frost are all used as symbolism. Interpret those symbols.
➜ Here, the spring season symbolizes happiness whereas the winter season symbolizes suffering. The tree symbolizes the identity of the child as Christ. The corner of the garden symbolizes the sacred place of God from where redemption is possible. The snow, the wind and the frost symbolize unique force against bad deeds.
D. Which figure of speech is used for ‘winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail and little child’? Who is the little child compared to?
➜ Here in this short story, we find the perfect use of personification. Here, winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail and little child have been wonderfully personified. Among these, winter, frost and snow have been personified as feminine gender with unique force. They have done their tasks against the giant's acts. The north wind, hail and little child have been personified as masculine gender with powers.
The little child is compared to the Chrisitan God 'Lord Jesus' here in this story. This little child has been presented with divine powers who has the power to change each and everything. Due to his presence, the garden has been bloomed with beautiful leaves and flowers. The signs of two nails on the palms and feet of the little child have reminded us of the crucifixion of Lord Jesus.

Reference beyond the text 
a. What is the main theme of this story? 
➜ There are various themes here in this story as arrogance, consequences of selfishness, love and compassion, the concept of salvation etc. Good deeds are always rewarded whereas bad deeds are always punished. Here, we simply find the arrogance of the giant and his selfishness against the children which have brought bad results for him. But, due to his good deeds, he has got a fine platform to reach outside.
b. Does God punish those who are cruel to children and very selfish?
➜ Yes, God punishes those who are cruel to and very selfish. Children are supposed to be very innocent and babies of God. They are known for their simplicity. Their presence is the sign of good omen. We can get a fine example from this story about God's punishment to the giant. He feels guilty himself for his bad deeds.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Transformation of sentence

A. Change the following positive statements into negative statements.

1. One of the boys broke his leg.

2. Carla knows Spanish.

3. Jackie takes vitamins every day. 

4. Sylvia and her husband moved to Kansas.

5. The students remembered to take the quiz. 

B. Change the following positive statements into negative statements.

1. Joe has written the report. 

2. The clerk will file the papers. 

3. The substitute teacher is taking attendance. 

4. Luther will have finished the paper by 2 p.m. today. 

5. The police officers are writing a report about the accident.

C. Change the following statements into yes-no questions. 

1. Bruno and Tomas arrange the furniture. 

2. Louis swept the garage. 

3. The custodian lost the keys.

4. The department manager spends too much money.

5. Mrs. Lopez begins the lesson. 

D. Change the following statements into yes-no questions.

1. We will meet the new employees tomorrow. 

2. Dr. Prentiss is writing the prescription. 

3. The homeowner has put the house up for sale. 

4. Terrence can drive the children to the park. 

5. The players are giving an interview right now. 

E. Change the following statements into wh-questions.

1. The owner of the building sent a letter to his tenants last month.

2. The victim of the accident testified at the trial yesterday.

3. The new movie will open next week at a theater in Westwood.

4. The angry protestors shouted loudly during the demonstration.

5. Union representatives will attend every meeting at the college.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Summary and Important question answers: Magic of Words

Malini was a young princess of Kashi; a Hindu Kingdom. But she was impressed with
Buddhism. She didn’t like to stay and consume heavenly comforts of the palace where
the citizens were suffering from many kinds of crisis. She was influenced by Buddhist
teaching. She believed in the religion of forgiven, Buddhism. Once, all the Brahmins
decided to go against her and they demanded for her banishment because they were
suSpected as if their religion was under danger. As they demanded for her banishment,
she wanted herself to leave the palace to help and solve out the problems. By expressing
this truth, she introduced herself as a real disciple of Buddhism. A brave young Hindu;
Kemankar decided to attack on the palace with the help of foreign armies and captivate
them which his iiiend Supriya told the king and he was captivated. ' The king announced
her to get married to Supriya. But at last Kemankar killed him with the chain. The king
tried to kill him. She requested her father to forgive him. This kind of sacrifice only can
be possible in Buddhism. In this way, we can present her as a real disciple of Buddhism.

Character sketch of Malini.
Malini was the image of love and forgiveness. Though she was born in a palace, she
ignored jewels and ornaments. She was the princess of Kashi, a Hindu Kingdom but she
was influenced by Buddhism. She wanted to leave the palace and help the poor and
suffering people. The Brahmins were frightened by her new philosophy, so they wanted
her banishment from the country. But when the Brahmins met her, they were influenced
by her words and simplicity. She was like the lamp in darkness. She wanted to lead the
people towards truth and heaven. She had infinite compassion to everyone, even to the
sinner Kemankar.
Character sketch of Supriya. Or,
Would you call Supriya a betrayer? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: Kemankar was a philosopher and true thinker. He was open-minded and not a
conservative. He did not believe in physical force. He did not want bloodshed in the
name of religion. He was not blind to his religion as his friend Kemankar. He only
revealed the truth of Kemankar’s plan when he saw that his friend wanted bloodshed in
the name of religion. Kemankar’s main guilt was to organize foreign troops to invade his
own country. Thus, Supriya told the king about the plan of Kemankar to save his

motherland. Even Supriya did not hesitate to go near Kemankar though he knew that his
friend would kill him. So, I would not call Supriya a betrayer.
Make a character sketch of Kemankar.
Ans: Kemankar was an aggressive Hindu. He was ready to die for his belief and religion.
He was rigid, conservative and strong. He wanted the banishment of Malini because she
had followed Buddhism. He thought that we should not discard the religion of our
ancestors. His main fault was he wanted to use force to wipe out new creed from his
country. He even went to the foreign land to organize foreign army and attack his own
kingdom. So, he was the image of hatred. He kills his own childhood friend Supriya
when he deceives him.
What were the Brahmins demanding for?
: The princess was taught by Buddhist monks. She was influenced by Buddhist
teaching. She believed in the religion of forgiven, Buddhism. The Brahmins were
suspecting that she was spreading Buddhism and damaging their religion, Hinduism.
Thus, to protect their religion they demanded for her banishment.
Why does Malini ask for her own banishment from the palace?
Malini was fully impressed with Buddhism. She believed in the religion of
forgiven. She wanted to go outside of the palace to see the real people’s suffering. She
wanted to find out the solution of those problems and also she wanted to spread
knowledge. So, she asks for her banishment from the palace.

Six Million Dollar Man 
In the essay “The Six Million Dollar Man” the writer claims that human body is priceless.
Once the writer received a birthday card sent by his daughter and son-in-law. In that card,
it was mentioned that the price of the human body is only 97 cents. Later he gets price list
of all the parts of the body from bio-chemical company. He concludes that the value of
dry human body is $ 245.54 per-gram. The weight to the writer's dry body is 244436
grams. He multiplies it and finds the total value of his body $ 6,000,015.44.So he calls
himself a six Million Dollar man. After doing this, he calculates prices of cells, tissues,
souls, etc. then he finds a man valuable or priceless. He concludes that the price of human
body can be measured in terms of dollar. But later he came to the conclusion that man is
priceless because of his rationality and consciousness. Man has emotions, soul, can
speak, grow and love other that cannot ber bought. The human body is endlessly
Why did the writer say he was a six Million Dollar man? Or,
How does the writer come to the conclusion that each human being is priceless? Or,
Explain Harold J. Morowitz's Joy in discovering that he is a six million Dollar man.
Ans: Summary
Why did the writer say he was six million dollar man?
The author’s daughter and son-in-law sent him a birthday card which claimed that
according to BIOCHEMISTS the price of a human body was only 97 cent. The author

didn’t agree with them and decided to make a list of the chemicals a human body
contains and collected price list. He took his weight himself and reduced the portion of
water. He calculated the total cost of all the chemicals and found these costs up to six
million dollar. Thus, the writer told that he was a six dollar man.
Is every human being “a six million dollar man”? Explain your answer.
The author gets a birthday card which claims the price of a human body is only 97
cent. The author doesn’t agree with them and decides to make a list of the chemicals a
human body contains and collects price list. He takes his weight himself and finds the
average price of human body is 245.54 dollar per gram. The author found his dry weight
was 24,436.80 gram. He calculates and finds 6,000,015.44 dollar. In this way the author
found that he is a six million dollar man. But I think the weight of different people is
different and so the price also can be different.

On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness 
The main theme of this poem is that it’s useless to be proud of our earthly greatness and
achievements. These things aren’t permanent. The only permanent thing is ‘Time’.
Everything else including our earthly greatness and achievements has to bow before time.
This poem describes what happens to powerful people and animals after they die. It
shows how greatness anything is, anyway it continues only for a short time. The poet has
presented certain examples, which all prove the same thing. Mastodon tusks are turned to
billiard balls, bears are turned into rugs, the sword of great king becomes rusted and the
great rulers are turned into statues and busts (half or broken or ruined statue). In the final
line, the poet indicates that his own greatness will also be short lived.

Bring out the “vanity” involved in the last couplet
Ans: Vanity is pride in appearance or achievements. The poet is saying that it’s vain or
useless to think that we are powerful because we leave nothing behind our death.
Similarly, in the last couplet, we find it only to be vanities of the poet because he is
putting himself in the same level of great rulers like, Charlemagne and Caesar.
What is ironical about the poem?
: Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used to show the opposite of what
they appear to mean. In other words, irony is the gap between what the reality is and what
it appears to be. This poem is ironical in the sense that it is not about greatness but it is
about weakness. Mastodons are not mighty or powerful, bear is not potent but, in fact,
their power is short lived. In this way, this poem is ironical.
What is the message of the poem?
: We shouldn’t be proud of our achievements because every achievement is
temporary. Time is the most valuable wealth and all our earthly greatness /achievements
are useless in comparison with time. Time is the leader which can make a sage the King
and the King a sage. So, we shouldn’t be proud of earthly greatness as we have.

In Bed 
This essay was written by Joan Didion. It is writer’s own experience. She had a migraine
headache. A migraine is a very painful headache.
Joan Didion has migraine three or four times every month. In the beginning, she was
afraid to admit that she had migraine. She was afraid she wouldn’t get job because of that
headache. Migraines are inherited. Joan Didion’s parents and grandparents also suffered
from migraines. Migraine headache is very unpleasant and patient also suffered from
stomach pain. Joan Didion complains that people don’t take migraine seriously. Many
people think migraines are imagined. They think migraine suffers make themselves ill by
worrying too much. This is partly true. Joan Didion has learnt to live with migraines
because she can’t avoid them. They are when she is very worried about something. The
migraine is very painful. When migraine has finished, Joan Didion feels better.
Writer's husband had also same problem. He was also suffering from migraine. Her
husband understands writer's pain very well. He also faces same pains as the writer. He
doesn't blame the writer. Otherwise, he would say that her wife was pretending. So the
writer takes herself as fortunate.
What are the distinctive traits of migraine headaches? Or
What are the features of migraine headache?
Migraine is a type of severe recurrent headache usually in one-side of head. It can't
be easily cured. Ordinary headache can be cured by taking aspirins. Migraine can be
prevented only by injections or drugs. A sufferer of migraine headache starts vomiting.
When migraine starts, some people have hallucination, blinding effect, stomach pain,
tiredness, pain in all the senses and they are unable to do their normal work. They look if
they are drunk; however, nobody dies of it.
Why does the writer consider herself as fortunate?
Writer's husband had also same problem. He was also suffering from migraine. Her
husband understands writer's pain very well. He also faces same pains as the writer. He
doesn't blame the writer. Otherwise, he would say that her wife was pretending. So the
writer takes herself as fortunate.
Write about the suffering and bitter experiences of John Didion as a migraine
In this essay, John Didion writes about migraine headache. She herself suffers from
this headache. She feels quite uneasy and a strong flow of blow is fallen in the veins of
her brain in the beginning. She doesn't want to reveal. She spends one or two days a week
painfully in bed. Tears come from the fight side of her face. She goes to toilet and vomits
there. She wishes a surgeon would come to avoid her brain. The writer can't speak clearly
when it attacks her. She looks as if she is drunk. She tries to escape from it but she can't.
When the migraine starts, she lies on bed with patience.
What are causes of migraine headache? And what are its effects?
Anything can start an attack of migraine headache such as stress, allergy, tiredness,
unexpected events, a change in air pressure, lack of sleep, a fire drill , etc. the sufferers of
migraine headache have hallucinations blinding effect, stomach problem, weakness,

tiredness etc. the migraine headache also causes cold sweating and vomiting etc. But
nobody dies of it.
What are the misconceptions associated with migraine headache?
Some people believe that migraine headache is imaginary. They accuse the
sufferers as if sufferers are pretending. They accuse the migraine suffers for refusing to
cure themselves. They also accuse sufferers as if sufferers have wrong thinking and bad
tempers. According to writer, the accusing eyes of the people are more painful for her
then the migraine itself.
Differentiate between of Headache and Migraine Headache.
Common Headache:
Migraine Headache:
· It has no symptoms in aura
· It’s not disease and can be
cured or treated.
· It’s not physiological error.
· It’s not hereditary error.
· Ordinary headache
· It has no aura period.
· Pain killer works.
· It has symptoms in aura period of
15 to 20 minutes.
· It’s disease and can’t be cured.
· Migraine is a physiological error.
· Migraine headache is hereditary
· Migraine is chemical disturbance
in serotonin hormone which is in
· It has aura period.
· Pain killer doesn’t work.

The Gardener Summary
“The Gardener” was written by Rudyard Kipling. The main character of this story, Helen
Turrell, was unmarried but she was pregnant. She went to France saying that she was
suffering from lung disease. She gave birth to a son which she named Michael. When she
returned to England she told lies to the people saying that Michael was her brother’s son
who had died before his birth. She said that Michael was brought from India by a nurse.
She also lied that she had dismissed the nurse when she did not care him properly.
Helen loved Michael very much. Michael called her mother at home at bed-time. When
the First World War began, Michael joined in the army. He was killed by an exploding
shell. He was buried in a large cemetery. Helen went to visit his grave, but she could not
find it. A gardener came near to her. Helen said that she was searching the grave of her
nephew. But the gardener said that he would show the grave of her “Son”.
I think that the gardener was Jesus Christ because God knows every truth. God is like a
gardener because He gives life to all creatures- both plants and animals. The author uses
the word ‘infinite’ to describe the gardener’s compassion indicating that he is not human.
The gardener does not show any hatred towards Helen although he knows her reality. A
human being cannot be impartial when he knows the secret of Helen.
What is the real relation between Helen and Michael?
: There is no doubt that the relationship between Helen and Michael is that of mother
and son. Helen was the mother of Michael. But, as she was an unwed mother, she was

ashamed and so she did not declare it. She only said that Michael was the son of her
brother, who had died in India. She also told that she had managed to bring the child
from India only to rear him up.
Why did Helen tell lie to the villagers?
In fact, what she said to the villagers was false. She might have created this false story to
keep the villagers silent. Otherwise, she would be condemned in the society. To tell the
truth, she was unmarried. So she hid the real fact. In fact Helen and Michael were mother
and son. She told all these lies so that she would not be condemned in the society.
How do we know who the gardener really is?
There are many explorations to the question: who the gardener was. Some people say that
he was only an employee. Some others say that he was Michael’s father, who was working
there only to live by the grave of Michael. He said ‘son’ rather than ‘nephew’ while leading
her to the grave.
But, I think that the gardener was Lord Christ himself. I think so only because the writer
says that there was endless love in his eyes. No human being can have such an infinite
compassion except the God. So, the gardener was Jesus Christ. If it’s so, we can also
guess that the Lord had forgiven Helen for her crime.