Monday, August 6, 2012


BRITISH VS AMERICAN SPELLING                       
BRITISH                                         AMERICAN
-our                                                   -or
behavior                                           behavior
colour                                               color
-re                                                      -er
metre                                                 meter
-ae/-oe/-oeu                                     -e/-o/-eu
mediaeval                                        medieval
oestrogen                                         estrogen
manoeuvre                                       maneuver
-se                                                      -ze
analyse                                             analyze
-l                                                        -ll
fulfil                                                  fulfill
affect (v):     influence somebody or something
effect (n):     result
loose (adj):   not firmly attached
lose (v):        be unable to find/get sth
principal(adj):  first in the rank; main
principle (n):    fundamental truth/law as the basis of                  reasoning
practice (n):     habitual action
practice (v):   perform regularly
stationery (n):  writing materials
stationary (adj):    not moving

                                                           30th July

-ll                                                       -l
travelling                                         traveling
-ogue                                                 -og
dialogue                                           dialog
-ence                                                 -ense
licence                                              license
defence                                             defense
-dge/-gue                                          -dg/-gu
judgement                                        judgment
arguement                                        argument
-gramme                                          -gram
programme                                      program

advice (n):   recommendation on how to act
advise (v):  give advice to
raise( v):  put into a higher position
rise (v):  come/go up
dairy (n):  place to make and sell milk products
diary (n):  daily records of events or thought
gaol (n):   place for detention of prisoners
goal (n):  object of ambition; destination
later (adj):  after the usually/ expected time
latter(adj):   the second-mentioned person or thing

Ranjit Kr. Singh